Coffee For Conception

Hello, Friends.

Are you trying to conceive? Coffee could help; light roast, medium roast, dark roast, which one is best? We shall answer that in a minute. First, let’s start with why and how you need the coffee, the answer might surprise you.

Natural Conception, Food as Medicine

Photo Credit: Unsplash

If you have been suffering with infertility, you are not alone. The World Health Organization estimates that between 48 million couples and 186 million individuals live with infertility globally. As world fertility rates have been declining consistently since the 1960’s, we see a correlation with the rise of environmental toxic exposure. What do we mean by environmental toxic exposure? Most people think that this is something that happens in a far-off place; an oil spill in the ocean, a chemical plant explosion in an industrial city. Irrespective of where you live on the planet, environmental exposure is the reality for all of us as some pollutants have been found to contaminate places, thousands of miles away, where they have not been used.

Food as Medicine, Natural Conception

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Here are some examples of these toxins and where are found:
• Pesticides and herbicides like glyphosate, atrazine, carbofuran, chlorpyrifos.
• Lead, Phthalates and Cadmium found in children’s products
• Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins found in industrial solvents or lubricants
• Bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates and phenol found in plastics and food storage materials
• Brominated Flame Retardants, PCBs in electronics and building materials
• Phthalates, Parabens and UV Filters in personal care products, medical tubing and sunscreen
• Perfluorochemicals found in textiles, clothing, non-stick food wrappers and cookware

Natural Conception, Infertility

Photo Credit: Unsplash

The list could go on and on and sadly, the production and consumption of these toxins continues to rise. What is most alarming is that many of these chemicals have not been studied extensively, if it all. Today, a woman living in a developed country or a major city in a developing country is, unknowingly, overwhelming her body with toxins found in makeup, perfume, personal care products, food, electronics, water, and even in the air. In limited studies, these chemicals have been deemed safe in small amounts, with no consideration on their cumulative impact in the body. All these toxins are stored in the body, and the heavy toxic load compromises overall health, reproductive included.

We have little control over the amount of toxins released into the air and used in different industries. We do however, have the power to limit the amount of toxins to which we are exposed. We are created beautifully with an amazing ability to heal when we give the body all that it needs. We can choose our foods and products wisely, we can filter our water, and what about the coffee? Unlike the super foods that are constantly marketed to us as the next best fix for……everything, really, coffee is indeed a superfood! Organic coffee, used in an enema, is the optimum liver detox, playing a massive role in helping the body rid toxins.

A healthy liver that isn’t burdened with a heavy toxic load is able to carry out more than its 500 functions. Infertility is one of the signs of a poorly functioning liver, and your daily coffee (light or medium roast is best) now taken as an enema, could play a major role in helping you start the family you desire.

If you are ready to start your metabolic nutrition and detoxification journey for conception, book a call.


  1. Infertility (

  2. Preventing disease through healthy environments: a global assessment of the burden of disease from environmental risks (

  3. WHO_HSE_PHE_IHE_2013.1_eng.pdf


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