I believe that one of the most important things we can do is shift our questions from what, to why. Asking what, often leads to managing symptoms. When we ask why, we are able to get to the root causes of conditions like infertility, fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis, and other illnesses. This shift allows us to move from symptom management to true healing.
— Viola Stephens


  • 2 Hour Consultation - $397

    ✔ Comprehensive explanation of the 3 pillars of the programme

    ✔ Clear instructions on the next steps

    ✔ One day access to coaching on Voxer during business hours

    ✔ If you proceed with the full consultation, this amount shall be deducted from that fee.

  • 12 Week Programme - $1997

    ✔ Health History Intake

    ✔ Comprehensive explanation of the 3 pillars of the programme

    ✔ Clear instructions on the next steps

    ✔ Unlimited access to coaching on Voxer during business hours

    ✔ 12 weeks of weekly virtual meetings

    ✔ Review of laboratory results

    ✔ Family members are welcomed on coaching calls


Equipped. Motivated. Energised. Inspired. Heard. UNDerstood. supported. rejuvinated. hopeful. healthy

Equipped. Motivated. Energised. Inspired. Heard. UNDerstood. supported. rejuvinated. hopeful. healthy